Lytham St. Annes High School
28th of March to the 3rd of April 2024
All activities are free at BJC*. If you have a valid ticket, you can attend any workshop! We don't have sign up lists, we operate all workshops on a first come first served basis, and we try to ensure each workshop is in a suitably sized space.
Our workshops are volunteer-run, if you would like to run a workshop please fill out the form
here. Alternatively, anyone can add a workshop to the workshop boards on site throughout the event.

Last year's board, for illustration purposes only.
* some volunteer-run workshops (usually craft workshops) may request a small donation to cover materials or consumables provided by the person organising the workshop, this will always be at-cost.
Online Workshop Timetable
Plan your days at BJC by having a look at our online workshop timetable: https://2024bjctimetable.co.uk/
You can filter the timetable by prop category, and ‘favourite’ workshops to build your own personal timetable for the week. If you’re on your phone or using a screen-reader, we suggest using the ‘list view’.
Please note: times are subject to change and more workshops and information will be added in the weeks leading up to the event as well as during the event. The workshop boards will be updated daily during BJC but if there is a difference between the online boards and the physical boards, trust the physical board!
Workshops Team
This year, our workshop coordinators are Bethan (she/her) and Callie (she/her). You can get in touch with them at 2024bjcworkshops@gmail.com.

Workshop Coordinator